America OnLine Chris Robinson interview Chris Robinson on-line interview on America OnLine December 12, 1994 Submitted by Matt Hill ---------------------------------- Humblest apologies ... this is a's about the best I can do, however. Chris Robinson on AOL.... The Black Crowes- Cyber-Talk(TM), December 12, 1994 Max Warner : Chris Robinson, lead singer of The Black Crowes, is here to chat with fans prior togoing onstage at one of the venues along The Black Crowes secret club tour in connection with the release of their AMORICA album on American Recordings. Max Warner : Chris Robinson is Crowes CR NYCwriter : Everyone is tasting a bit of Santa-na on the latest LP (I mean CD) what are some of the things that influenced you (legal stuff) on this album? Crowes CR : legal stuff? Little Feat, War, WC Fields, Willie Wanka and the chocolate factory, JG Ballard. Ssilk3412 : Chris, what do you think of today's govt report of a substantial # of 8th grade students using marijuana? Crowes CR : It's been a long time since I hung out with a majority of 8th graders... or a minority of 8th graders. Pot smokers or not. Leftycool : The Band is Great but why do you dress in vintage 73-74 era duds. a bad time for fashion. Crowes CR : The Band is Great but why do you dress in vintage 73-74 era duds. a bad time for fashion To dress cool is divine and to err is only hu-man, And I don't go to the gap.... HAPPY? Don11: What's with the hair on the CD cover? Crowes CR: Its growing. Kelli7 : How are you going to make the Crowes an arena act? I've been hearing alot about a Crowe mascott at your "Jubilee" shows. Tell us more! Crowes CR : The Crow mascott is a tangible hilucination made possible by four little old lady costume makers in Encino. EGYPT 789 : have the tiny tour shows been very different night to night...saw the bostin! Crowes CR : Yes.. as a matter of factly.(I'm not sure factly is a word) the set is considerably. different night to night, And we have been playing more blues covers which also adds to the diversity. JamesS403 : What is your rela-tionship with your brother and will it affect the band going forward? Crowes CR : My relationship with my brother Rich revolves around the Websters english dictionary definition of Rsibling. SHairdont : Was anything ever released under the name "Mr. Crowes' Garden"? Crowes CR : No.. and for the better-ment of society, science, and archatecture. Mindspeak : I've got a it true that other musi-cians played everything on your first album? Crowes CR : absolutely not, unless of course you didn't know Chuck Levelle played keyboards and Brendan O'Brien played the solo in "hard To Handle".. the sordid truth. Mr Rotten : With stage props and in various interviews you seem to glorify the use of marijuana but you've said you don't think that's a bad influence on children. Please explain. Crowes CR : I have spoken about symbolicly, and used 'marajuana' as a metaphor about modern society's selfishness, its misconceptions, and perverted judgement. Masdfn : Chris, I heard a tape of you doing "You Shook Me" with Robert Plant last July in London. It was really great. Critics say the Crowes copy Zep, but Plant himself loves you guys. He always mentions you in interviews as a favorite. Care to comment? Crowes CR : Uncle Bob (that's what we call him, but he hates it) has been very supportive and is one of our favorite people even though he owes me seven dollars. SassyM69 : Who's the guy in the Crow costume? Don't think you'll answer that, but what the hell. Crowes CR : The Lindberg baby. .Markandal : What do you think about Concert security in Louisville, KY? Crowes CR : secure is a relative term. TBC TALLER : HEY CHRIS, IT'S YOUR F@#*ING MANAGER. COULD YOU PLEASE HAVE MARK BOTTING CALL THE OFFICE. THANKS, CALAMARI MAN Crowes CR : Impossible.. everyone knows that Rip Torn is my manager... Y 9 9 69 : Hey chris have you ever burned one with jerry garcia? are you guys friends Crowes CR : Never burned one with Jerry, and the only two occasions I had a chance to say RHello,S I took the other direction to shake in my boots. I am a very geeky fan. Lanceee : How would you describe the music of BC? Crowes CR : it's very British Columbi-an (wink, wink) jamesS347 : As a kid did you want to be in a band? Crowes CR : I didn't know what I wanted, but I knew the French foriegn legion was way out of line.. Let's face it, it's a crap shoot out there. SwayPony : Chris, why are there so many "dark" chord progressions and fewer "hooky" choruses on this album? Crowes CR : We are in a very "dark" chord progression progression, as opposed to that hooky chorus bug that bit us oh so few years ago. DJCOFFER : the question at work is... is it a man or woman on the cover of the album Crowes CR : Labels.... AlienR : what is the average age of your group Crowes CR : have not added them up yet. LCBaby : How was it working with Motley Crue? Crowes CR : I was Tommy Lee's drum tech, but only for a few weeks. They fired me, That was a hard time because I was a meat-a-tarian, and the Crue just don't play that way. DRicker : What do you see in the future for technology in the band... is it important? Crowes CR : we are working with scien-tists around the clock to find a safe and cost effective way to have our heads replaced with vacuum cleaners. god speed to us!! Masdfn : Chris, what was the inspiration for the inside album art, which dep- icts the whore of Babylon and the mother of man from the book of Revelations? Crowes CR : That's silly, it was jesus walking on the water that I was aiming for. Kelli7 : Will there be another "movie" from the band? Will it include the video from "Hotel Illness" ? Will it be a little more personal (like Amor- ica) this time around? When can we expect it? Crowes CR : the next video is a bizzare concoction from a deranged french speaking person named Michelle Gondry. RNEL1 : Didn't you guys tour the southeast about 6 years ago with "follow for now". I knew David Ryan Harris and he swears this is true. Is it? Crowes CR : I hate to be the bearer of bad news but never toured with Rfollow for now, nor did they tour with us. SassyM69 : Excuse me, Chris. Quit rambling and answer the questions! I dare you to take me on. Crowes CR : Sorry Miss Sassy, but me and the fellas here are cooking up a batch of brunswick stew passin the hog fat around, with a mess of banjos, and I got ramblin on my mind...excuse me. LilDavie : I read that you and Rich are big Nick Drake fans (as am I). Do you have plans to cover any of his songs in the future? Crowes CR : Nick Drake is such a beautiful fragile and magical musical entity that the thought of covering his music is very intimidating. Garkok : What music do you listen to? Crowes CR : Good music RickRam77 : Chris, The radio station here spoke of a secret tour you all may be doing under an alias. Any truth to it? Crowes CR : Sorry... you missed it. MMBosston : This may seem irrelivant, but what kinda auto do rich dudes like you tool around in? Crowes CR : I'm the kind of "dude" who is uncomfortable with the term "tool around." Mgasm : What amps does Chris like? Crowes CR : Good ones XPNSV WIN : what's the best new album in the last year-besides yours? Crowes CR : I really like the new Giant Sand album, and the new Digable Planets album, Dillon Fence, Jeff Buckley, and what not. LoozaBoyD : Who is WIZ, besides the person who directed "A Conspiracy"? Crowes CR : WIZ is an english person who's name coincides with the sound of releasing urine through one's penis. Shmogger : Can you explain your policy on people taping your shows? Crowes CR : bootleg, bootleg, bootleg, bootleg, bootleg, and bootleg. I beg you BOOTLEG!!! LCookT : Are you a Cream fan, Chris? Crowes CR : Sure, but my favorite Clapton period is derick and the dominoes and the Delany and Bonnie days. Baggins b : What's it like to hang with Da-vid Letterman when you're in NY? Crowes CR : hangin out with David Lettermen was the most ro-mantic whirlwind, diamonds, and glitter, that only the luckiest girl in the world can have! Masdfn : Have you ever played with Ry Cooder, or heard his new world-music stuff? If so, what do you think of it? Crowes CR : I am a big Ry Cooder fan. We used to play his arrangement of Boomer Story from the Boomer Story album. SKDU : what do you think about the death of Kurt Cobain? Crowes CR : I think it's sad. Plain and simple, no right, no wrong, just sad. Maiyo : When you started, did you think you were going to become a hit or was it just for fun? Crowes CR : When we started, we just wanted to make music that mirrored our passions, our illusions, learn, grow up and try to become musicians. ALJU : chris why were you trying for jesus walking on the water Crowes CR : Oh the mys-tery of a biblical references. Maybe next week it will be Judas. Sodafly : Are you a Hunter S Thompson fan? you seem to have a lot in common. Crowes CR : Thanks for the great compliment. Star51709 : do you like rap Crowes CR : yes Herriman : Hey Chris you are so can I be like you? Without being arrested? Crowes CR : Better living through high-school athletics. let's go team!!! DARTINDOL : What do you do in spare time? Crowes CR : exist within thr pressures of this modern world. Neilinato : Did you guys CREATE your second album in 8 days or just RECORD it? Crowes CR : 4 rehearsals, and 8 days of basic tracks. Diablo104 : I've read recently in either Time or Newsweek or one of the other big mags that you guys are into pot. Are you into any other kind of drugs? If so , what? Crowes CR : smoking magazines. Maiyo : Do you think that your music will save the world? Crowes CR : Not in a million years. ProLogic9 : Hi Chris Have you ever been asked to do any movie soundtrack music? Crowes CR : Yes, but I have hard time thinking about seeing one of our pieces of music while Woody Harrelson does chin ups in his underwear. Mark ADC : Have you guys ever played with Bad Religion or any other Punk Rock bands, or are you guys pretty much stuck to 70's stuff? Crowes CR : That 70's stuff... like The Pistols, Ramones, Clash. Oh, 60's stuff, like Chocolate Watchband...Standelles, and the Fugs. Qazxswedc : DO YOU GET NERVOUS BEFORE YOU GET ON STAGE Crowes CR : No Bladester : Chris, how come you dress like a girl all the time? Crowes CR : I'm trying to get in touch with my feminine side, and it's easier to wear women's clothing than to ease the swelling of my Fellopian tubes with the human hand. JILL crow : What was this about a secret tour- Crowes CR : The OD Jubilee Band! PRosenb28 : Are you guys gonna put out another video for Amorica...and how did you like the HORDE? Crowes CR : High Head Blues is the next video and the Horde was great. WaltH5150 : Any chance that "Grits and Gravy" will be released in record stores? Crowes CR : Don't know, doubt it. Gedclampe : Was having Ronnie Wood show up the other night a thrill? Where was Keith? Crowes CR : Keith was watching it on his own Keith Richards satelite. He is the pope. JailBitte : Hello...will you ask my girlfriend a question for me? "Chana, will you marry me?" Crowes CR : Sorry, no offense, but I cannot be involved in this blatant Ricki Lake-ism. Good luck. Maiyo : Do you live a glamouros life or do you save your money and live in an apt? Crowes CR : Sheila E. had a glamorous life and we all learned from that. Crowes CR : i'll take a few more than I'm going to check out Dinosaur Jr. here in San Diego. Latty Lat : not sure if I'm getting thru. are we communicating? Now for the Stone Mtn. question. Have you ever climbed up the wrong side? Thanks!! Love you Niecy Crowes CR : One too many laser light shows for you. In corn dogs we trust. Hail Stone Mt.Namu : Why you so skinny? Crowes CR : Can you spell metabolism.... signed Sloppy JoeKevin VA : You guys did "Time Will Tell" on your last album, has Bob Marley been a big influence on you, and in what way? Crowes CR : The wisdom of his music.... Masdfn : Where did Rich get his grey amps with the artwork? Who painted them? Crowes CR : Rich is right here and would love to answer you. Rich: uhh... painter that does amps... The amp painter guy. TIMDOOB : What do think about this new high tech media? Crowes CR : It's the high techinest high tech media in the known free world, dig! Crowes CR : Last question... Girlgerms : What type of cereal do you like and do you like ba-nanas in it? Crowes CR : o.k.. o.k. my favorite cereal is "Ringo Starr's Licorice Loaf and Marshmel-lows" sans the bananas.. Crowes CR : Thank you very much... peace and soul, see you on the road, the blues made me do it, I mean it!!!